Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The cat is out of the bag

My husband and his friend are opening their own plumbing company. They obtained a business license and tax id number a few months ago, when the company they worked for was sold. The Reno division of that company was soon closed and the possibility of closing the office here became a real concern. It’s still up in the air as to what will happen to it. A few weeks ago my husband’s partner passed the test for his Contractors License, less than two weeks later the corporation that had purchased the company the guys were working for found out and fired them both. Needless to say, the last week or so has been an exciting scramble to pull together the final pieces of their company and get it up and running. I have every confidence in my husband and know he and his partner will build a successful and prosperous business. Congratulations and Good Luck, gentlemen!

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